3 Simple Steps to Light a Furnace Pilot Light

Are you having trouble lighting your furnace’s pilot light? It can be a scary moment when the heat stops working in cold weather, so don’t panic. 

This guide will walk you through the simple process of relighting your furnace’s pilot light, so that you can stay warm without worrying about a possible malfunction or breakdown. 

With just 3 steps, you’ll be able to get that furnace up and running again in no time! Keep reading for an easy and straightforward guide on how to re-ignite your furnace’s pilot light. 

Without further ado, let’s get started! 

Step 1: Safety First – Shut the Power to Your Furnace

Before you even attempt to light your furnace’s pilot light, it is important that you turn off the power source to the unit. You can locate the power source by looking for a switch or breaker box near the furnace. 

Turn off any switches connected to it, as well as unplugging any cords. It is also recommended that you wear protective gloves and eyewear before beginning this process. 

Once you have shut off all power sources, wait at least 10 minutes before proceeding with lighting the pilot light. 

This will ensure that all electricity has been safely disconnected from the unit and prevent any potential shocks or fires from occurring during this process. 

Step 2: Locate the Pilot Light and Ignition Button

The next step is to locate both the pilot light and ignition button. The pilot light will usually be found on the burner assembly or near the gas valve. It should have a small, round cap that can easily be removed with a screwdriver. 

Once you have located the pilot light, it’s time to find the ignition button. Usually, this will be a red button that is located near or on top of the furnace control panel. Once you have identified all of these components, you are ready to move onto the next step.  

Step 3: Set Up a Flame Source and Ignite the Pilot Light 

Now that you have identified the pilot light, ignition button, and turned off all power sources to the furnace, you are ready to set up a flame source and ignite the pilot light.

The most common way of doing this is by using a match or lighter. 

Once you have your flame source ready, place it near the pilot light opening and press down on the ignition button for about 10-15 seconds until you hear an audible “click” sound. This indicates that the pilot light has been successfully ignited! 

At this point, keep pressing down on the ignition button while holding your flame source near the opening until there is a steady blue flame present in the pilot light. 

Once this flame has been established, you can release the ignition button and remove the flame source away from the unit. 

Congrats! You have now successfully re-ignited your furnace’s pilot light and should be able to enjoy a warm home in no time!

Final Thoughts 

Re-igniting your furnace’s pilot light is actually much simpler than it may seem. With just 3 easy steps and some basic safety precautions, you can have your unit running in no time – so don’t put off any necessary repairs or maintenance for too long! 

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